How to get the best out of your Office Shredder

21 Dec 2021

Use only Shredder Oil or Shredder Oil Sheets to oil your paper shredder because it these products are specifically designed to lubricate precision heat treated shredder cylinders. Avoid using other forms of machine oils..

How to get the best out of your Office Shredder

How to oil your paper shredder:

  • Use Rexel Oil Sheets or spread small amounts of shredder oil over an entire piece of paper in zig-zag motion (no need to soak the sheet, just cover it)
  • Feed sheets through your shredder and operate in reverse mode for a few seconds making sure oil is dispersed throughout the cutting cylinders
  • Shred a few sheets of paper to remove excess oil
  • To ensure thorough oiling, repeat above steps three times
  • Oil regularly - for less than 50 sheets per week, oil every other day. For larger quantities, oil after 30 minutes of use or every time you empty the bag

How to choose the right Office Shredder Machine; 

Choosing a paper shredder machine or any other office machine shouldn't be a difficult life decision. However, many tend not experience with office machines and this can lead to complications.The biggest trap that most purchasers fall into is making their decision based on shredding volumes and price. But it's not as straightforward as all that. There are factors to consider and certain machines will work better for your office, than others.

Here are eight great tips for finding the perfect paper shredder for use in your office:

1) Paper Size

The shredder machine decision process starts with paper size. You need to know what sized paper you'll be shredding most often. Most offices use a shredder that takes A4 etter-sized sheets..Do an assessment of the paper sizes you'll be shredding. You may be able to save money on a smaller shredder, but the extra work of processing significant volumes of overly-large paper may not be worth it.

2) Load Size

Going hand in hand with the question of paper size is the issue of load size. If you're shredding small reams of paper, a simple, narrow shredder input will do just fine. You don't need much if you're only shredding twenty sheets in a month. But it's important, to understand how much you'll be shredding. Anything more than just a few sheets of paper at time and you'll want a shredder machine that can handle a medium sized load. .

A good rule of thumb guide is;

  • Small Personal Shredders for single users
  • Small sized Office Shredders for up-to-five users
  • Medium sized Office Shredders for up to ten users
  • Larger Commercial Shredders for more than ten users

3) Cut Type

When it comes to choosing between paper shredders, one of the distinguishing factors to consider is cut type. For more sensitive documents cross-cut shredding is always recommended. Some office have two shredders - one less expensive strip cut shredder and the other for more sensitve documents 

4) Shredder Speed

A large part of the convenience of paper shredders is their speed. Most modern shredders feature a specific runtime, meaning they can operate constantly for up to a preordained time. After this, they need to cool down in order for the machinery to maintain operational efficiency. The runtimes range from two minutes to more than an hour, depending on the make and size of the shredder machine. It is important to ensure that your shredder has a runtime to match the volume of paper you are shredding at any one time.

5) Noise Levels

Paper shredders are inherently noisy. There's no getting around it - these are boxes full of moving parts whose only job is to slice and tear apart small bundles of paper. Whatever brand you get is going to make a certain amount of noise. If you're able to allocate a larger amount of budget, there are noise-controlled units available. For most shredders there are YouTube videos demonstrating the shreeder in operation and how loud they are. Use these videos to help make your buying decision and you'll be able to find the best noise for your money.

6)  Safety Levels

Safety features can be an important factor in choosing a paper shredder. Safety guards are standard in most types of shredders. Once again for more budget you can have laser sensors to detect fingers, stopping the blades before they can do any damage.

7) Advanced Features

Of course, just because you're buying a paper shredder doesn't mean you have to buy only a paper shredder. Many shredders have a variety of advanced features to add to and improve  shredding efficiency. Some of these include:

  • credit card, plastics, paper clips, and cardboard shredding
  • anti-jam technology to keep the feed tray clear
  • pull-out bins, which are actually fairly common

8) Power Saving

Office appliances can take a lot of energy to run. For many people, deciding to buy a paper shredder comes down to how much power they're likely to use. 80% of the energy used with  a paper shredder comes while it is in use. For better energy consumption, review the power consumption and power saving details of respective shredders.

Choosing A Shredder Machine: Now You're Ready:

Paper shredders aren't the kind of machine most people buy more than once or twice in a lifetime. With this in mind, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed, or like you're not putting enough thought into your purchase.

Hopefully, this handy list article will give you all the insights you need.

Interested in purchasing a shredder? Get in touch with us now on 0-800-535-029, and we will review your requirements and ensure that you purchase the correct shredder to meet your office's specific requirements. Set out below is a small selection of your shredder options - but we have access to many more - to match your requirements;

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